Information for the General Public

Financial Intelligence Unit Annual Report

The FIU publishes an Annual Report that includes statistics and latest information on measures taken to continually develop and improve Brunei Darussalam’s AML/CFT regime.

To access the reports, click here.

Counter Terrorism Financing Matters



Obligations to implement CTF measures are not limited to Financial Institutions and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions, but are applicable to the general public.

Application for status as Designated Person to be revoked

A person who has been designated by the ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee on the ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List or by the 1988 Sanctions Committee on the 1988 Sanctions List may apply to be removed from either list by making an application to the relevant United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committee.

A person who has been designated by the Minister under the Anti-Terrorism (Terrorist Financing) Regulations 2013 or section 65 of the Anti-Terrorism Order 2011 may apply to revoke a designation by making an application the Minister.

Application to use or deal with frozen property

The owner or holder of frozen property may apply in writing to the Financial Intelligence Unit, Brunei Darussalam Central Bank for permission to use or deal with the property in a specified way.

The categories of permissible dealings are:-

  • A basic expense dealing (such as for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines or medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, public utility charges, reasonable professional fees, reimbursement of expenses associated with the provision of legal services, etc.);
  • A contractual dealing (such as interest or other earnings due on frozen accounts; or payments from frozen accounts that are required under contracts, agreements or obligations made before the date on which those accounts became frozen); or
  • An extraordinary expense dealing (any other kind of dealing not covered by the above).

To contact the Financial Intelligence Unit, kindly email fiu[at]bdcb[dot]gov[dot]bn.

Application to release frozen property by a third party unduly affected

A third party acting in good faith may apply in writing to the Financial Intelligence Unit, Brunei Darussalam Central Bank for the release of frozen property if he has interest in any property belonging to or in the possession of a designated person.

Whether or not the property will be released is subject to certain strict conditions.

The frozen property shall also be released if Brunei Darussalam Central Bank is satisfied that:-

  • The claimant has the same or similar name as designated persons; and
  • The claimant has been confirmed not to be the designated person in the Consolidated List.

To contact the Financial Intelligence Unit, kindly email fiu[at]bdcb[dot]gov[dot]bn.